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Teen Tech Day

From: Cory F.
Sent on: Sunday, February 17, 2013, 9:07 AM
Hello gnocoders,

I have some information on Teen Tech Day (March 23rd) that Chris Boudy would like to share with the group.  Also, remember to join us next month (March 14th) to learn about the popular cross-platform text editor Sublime Text from presenter George Mauer.


Text below provided by Chris Boudy:

As you may know, each year my organization puts on Teen Tech Day and we are having it again this year on March 23rd at Delgado Community College.  Teen Tech Day is a free community event for teenagers (ages 14 to 17) that are interested in technology.  The day is filled with presentations, hands-on learning, team building activities, and guest speakers.  This will be our 3rd year doing it and each year we are able to make an impact in a young person's life.  Below I'll list some ways you can help:

Pass This Information Along

If you know of any teenagers (ages 14 to 17) in the New Orleans (or surrounding areas) that is interested in technology and would benefit, please send this to their parent or guardian  so they can sign up:


If you'd like to contribute your time, we are always looking for volunteers to assist and help on that day.  I can tell you from personal experience, it's a rewarding thing to see the excitement on their faces throughout the day and know that you were apart of that.  You can sign up on our volunteer form:


If you are in the New Orleans area and would want to present, please fill out our presenters form:

You can also visit our website for more information:

Thank you,
Chris Boudy

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