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New Year's Eve at the University Hilton

From: Patricia
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 9:48 AM

The University Hilton just called me and told me only double rooms are available because all the single rooms have been booked.  So you will have to find a room mate for this event if you plan to attend.  Just check the list of who has signed up or go to Ground Zero Singles Over 40 to see if you know anyone you could ask who is going.  Many other groups are invited to this one and it should be the biggest meetup of the year, so don't miss out.  Kaitlyn and Jenna at the University Hilton told me this is filling up really fast so don't delay in getting in your reservation.  Call the University Hilton at the number listed on the invitation.

See you there!  Let's bring this New Year in together!!!    Patricia (Just Lil' Ole Me)


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