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Meetup details changed: The Asheville Wine and Food Festival...FREE-Tix Giveaway To The Grand Tasting

From: GoodEatsGuru-Richard G.
Sent on: Sunday, August 3, 2014, 10:12 AM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

GREAT NEWS-We have arranged for a FREE pair of tickets to the Grand Tasting on the 23rd for a lucky member of GEAM.  All you need to do is to like their Facebook page at and/or their Twitter page at @avlwinefest.  Once you do that, you will need to make a comment or a tweet saying "Good Eats and Meets sent me here!" That's it!  This is a value of $125!!! We will choose 1 winner from each of our 6 cities and they will be notified of winning on Friday, August 16th.  Good Luck!

August 21 - 23, 2014

US Cellular Center, downtown Asheville, North Carolina


Early VIP Ticket Discounts Available Now

for Limited Time Only!










2014 Asheville Wine & Food FestivalTickets on Sale NOW!

It's official! Given the surge of independent farm-to-table restaurants, underground dinners, award-winning chefs, booming brewery scene, burgeoning craft distilleries and wineries, and the mélange of farmers and artisan food producers, Asheville and Western North Carolina’s food scene has exploded. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed. TripAdvisor placed Asheville right up there with New York City, San Francisco, and New Orleans when it bestowed the city with a Traveler’s Choice Food & Wine Destination Award in 2011; The Huffington Post named Asheville one of the Top 10 Undiscovered Local Food Cities in 2009; and this year, Southern Living listed Asheville among the Tastiest Towns in the South.


Launched in 2009, the Asheville Wine & Food Festival celebrates all that’s worth savoring. This year’s festival, August 21-23, 2014 offers several signature events. The Asheville Scene Chefs Challenge (Starting July 1, and happening every Tuesday evening through August 12th, 2014), takes on some exciting new twists and comes to a heated close during the festival. ELIXIR on Thursday evening (in an secret location - prohibition style!) brings an elaborate cocktail party and mixology competition on for the second year. SWEET offers a decadent evening of desserts on Friday, again at the Historic Grove Arcade. And the Grand Tasting on Saturday is a smorgasbord of food, wine, beer, and spirits, plus culinary demonstrations, and a chance to meet authors, farmers, chefs, winemakers, brewers, and much, much more. Come sample the best food scene in the USA!

The 2014 nonprofit organization benefiting from the festival, is Slow Food Asheville's Appalachian Food Storybank. The Appalachian Food Storybank, a program of Slow Food Asheville, seeks to acknowledge, honor, and archive Appalachian heritage foods and foodways in order to promote the preservation of diverse local knowledges, natural resources, and food biodiversity.The Storybank will be an archive of stories from individuals, families, and communities about southern Appalachian foods – from how they are grown or harvested, to ways of preparing and preserving them, to anecdotes of family or community rituals surrounding food. Our main goal is to provide a way for folks to record their food stories and histories for their children and their grandchildren. In addition, the stories we help collect will be used for educational purposes to highlight the unique lifeways, history, and culture of Appalachia.








When: Thursday, August 21,[masked]:00 PM

Where: US Celluar Center
87 Haywood St.
Asheville, NC

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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