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Archery Club!

From: Hannah
Sent on: Friday, January 9, 2015, 5:15 PM

It's here people it's actually here!!

Here are the forms for the chosen archery club based in Earlsdon, this is the most central part of Coventry for our members to meet for this particular activity and the most affordable membership.

This club has beginner classes to start with for £30 and then a annual membership will ensue if you wish to continue going to this particular venue. All equipment will be provided, DON'T buy your own equipment until you have passed the beginners course and strengthened your arms. If you buy a new bow before you have turned intermediate then you will need needlessly spend extra money on new bows sooner than needed.

A meetup will be arranged soon once we know when they start the dates, in the meantime - book up as places are going fast!