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*****German meeting.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Monday, May 26, 2008, 8:12 PM
Hello Everyone,

Please read at least as far as the sixth line. Thank you.

In this message:
-Long time no see.
-Meeting dates and venues.
-A moment to think of Norbert.

I was looking at the schedule, and I noticed that between April 22nd
and May 27th, the only German group meeting was my birthday
celebration on May 3rd. That's 35 days between meetings. I
apologise. I'll try to jam an extra German language meeting into
the schedule to make up for it. We haven't had a meeting at Higher
Ground Cafe recently so that would be a good location, I think.

There are three meetings in the near future. The first will take
place on Tuesday, May 27th, at 6:30pm, at Second Cup Kensington, 338
10th St NW. The second will take place on Monday, June 2nd, at
6:30pm, at Higher Ground Cafe, 1126 Kensington Rd NW. The third will
take place on Saturday, June 14th, at 7:00pm, at Second Cup, 304 -
8th Av SW.

Please go now and RSVP at:

Almost a year ago, on July 13th, Norbert, a long-time and regular
member of this group succumbed to cancer. Most of the members of
this group knew him, for at least a couple of reasons. First of all,
he came to almost every meeting. He also actively searched for
German-speakers, and invited them to join the group. Thus many of
us not only met Norbert, but were invited to the group by him.

This past Friday, I volunteered for the Canadian Cancer Society, and
I bought a luminary in memory of Norbert.

I am only mentioning this in the hope that it might inspire some of
us to volunteer for, or donate money to, an organisation devoted to
the cause of cancer, including of course, the Canadian Cancer

We also might take a moment to think of Norbert.

On a happier note, it is extremely important that we vote in our

Please go NOW and vote in our polls at:
Note that there are now two pages of polls, so we'll have to click
"next" to see all of them.

I am looking forward to seeing us at the meetings!
