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Article: When the Heart Awakens....

From: Aditi
Sent on: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 10:10 AM
Dear Spiritual family,

When one's heart awakens one begins to experience true compassion, divine love and the presence.

True compassion is not feeling empathy, but experiencing anothers pain physically and pyschologically. Such an experience naturally occurs in one who's heart is awakened of whom will ALWAYS KNOW how you feel and would not have to emperically discover or understand how another feels. A pleasant side effect of this would be the perfecting of all relationships of which most all relationships need today. If two persons can FEEL how the other is feeling where is the conflict? miscommunication? misunderstanding? This my friends is true compassion, it is not based on thought, perception or concepts but what one feels in their heart.

Subsequently divine love is something which ALL experience NATURALLY after healing their relationships. It is true that meditation, contemplation, devotional singing and engulfing yourself in activities you love will allow one to experience love, however these experiences are temporary in nature...

In conclusion, such a life is very real and available to all by simply awakening the presence of the divine/universe in your heart.

Please join us this month (July 27th) for our first Awakening of the Heart Workshop. It will be a night to remember.

If you plan to attend this workshop in manhattan please rsvp here on This event is listed on our calender. Hurry only 20 spots are available and we have a manhattan meetup group where people will also RSVP as well.

Light and Love,
Aditi ji