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From: Jake B.
Sent on: Sunday, December 9, 2012, 12:56 PM



Dear Traders and Investors,

Face the facts: insider trading has been with us for a long time...
and this is not about to change. Insiders get the gravy and the profit 
while average traders are left out or left holding the back. Change it!

Consider these items:

  • Until recently it was LEGAL for members of Congress to use their
    knowledge legally to make millions but if ordinary citizens did so
    we risked fines and prison

  • Hedge funds pay rofessional seekers to snoop out information 
    for them that will help them get a big edge on the average investor
    and some of that information is on the edge of legality

  • High frequency traders buy inside information legally from the exchanges
    and use the information legally to get the edge on you and me!


Learn how to use LEGAL “inside” information to your distinct advantage! 
But how? And what exactly do I mean by legal “inside” information?

*Legal Inside Information: My Definition

Legal inside information by my definition is "market generated information
and/or data that is available to anyone." The primary sources of such inside
information as I define it will be illustrated at my webinar on Sunday, 2 December.

Click here for details and to register

Best of Trading,

Jake Bernstein


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