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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We're making several improvements to Meetup's communications tools. As a part of this effort, message boards are closing. We recommend saving any important information before July 18, 2024.

Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature. An improved version of Discussions is on the way!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article.

Advanced Wholesaling Bootcamp

From: Nhan L.
Sent on: Thursday, June 12, 2014, 12:08 AM

CAZA Family,

After numerous requests, CAZA (Haymarket) will be hosting an Advanced Wholesaling Bootcamp that is designed to provide trainees the knowledge and tools required to be a successful wholesaler.


If you or anyone you know is interested, please see this link for more information.



Nhan Lam, Managing Member

Fortune Homes Development LLC

5501 Merchants View Square

Suite 126

Haymarket, VA 20169

(919)[masked] (cell)

(507)[masked] (fax)



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