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Happy Hour this Sunday at the Capitol Club

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 12:03 PM
Hi all,

Well, I checked out the Capitol Club and they have HH all day on Sundays. How can you beat that? Cheap drinks and food, great entertainment including a comedian, djs and belly dancing. And, all for a good cause. William will be selling raffle tix for $5 each to raise money for his 60 mile walk for breast cancer research. The tix will go on sale 7pm and the drawing will be at 9pm. You can win prizes such as gift certs for tanning, wine, dinner, etc. It'll be a great time and I hope to see you guys there. I'll be in the green baseball cap so come and find me. The bar is up the stairs. It's worth the hike.

Have a great day.

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