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4th Annual Winter Solstice Party - Good Food and Good Fun

From: Anita P.
Sent on: Monday, November 27, 2017, 2:43 PM

Come in from the cold and celebrate with us the beginning of longer days at our

4th annual Winter Solstice Party


We are gathering at Happy Hour - Gourmet Pizza appetizers FREE to everyone joining us between 5 and 7.   The festivities get underway at 6:00 PM with our annual Hat contest - see our MeetUp page for details.

And continue through the dinner hour - BOCA has given us a special a la carte menu.

Our FIRST Raffle - Tickets are only $1. Grand Prize: Voucher to the 10th anniversary Darwin Day Dinner Celebration 2/2018.

Lots of other FUN Prizes throughout the evening.

Join Us.  Join HFFC.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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