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Re: [harrypotter-486] T-shirt link

From: Ari
Sent on: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 12:54 AM
That looks fantastic. I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight - work kept me late. I'm looking forward to the 30th!


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 12:53 AM, KateKintail <[address removed]> wrote:

A few people asked about the Weasley Wizard Wheezes t-shirt I was wearing tonight. I got it here:

And it looks like they've fixed the S.P.E.W. one-yay! They offer a variety of sizes and colors. There are also some shirts for other fandoms (mostly Star Wars and Lord of the Rings). Pretty simple designs- not a lot that particularly wows me when compared to some other sites out there, but sometimes simple is better and y'all did ask me :-) Hey, you can even get your very own Order of the Phoenix T-shirt, just like James and Sirius may or may not be wearing in the prequel! LOL

Thanks for a fun, long meeting tonight!



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