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If you shop at Fry's Grocery Store ....

From: Richard D.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 6:07 PM

Reminder: Fry's Food Store Program is changing.  In order for HSGP to get credit for your purchases you will need to go online and link your VIP card to HSGP. Go to and select community and then create an online account for your VIP card.  Your number is the one directly under the barcode on the back of the card.  Some cards have numbers on both the front and the back.  Be sure to use the entire number that is under the barcode and enter it without any spaces.

During this process, you will be asked for an email address.  A confirming email will be sent to your account and you will have to click the link within the email in order to confirm your registration.  When you confirm your registration, you will have the opportunity to change your account settings.  In the lower right, you can select Community Rewards. When it asks for the number of your non-profit organization, enter 80566, then HSGP will show and you select that.

If you already have registered an on-line account for your VIP card, you can sign in  and go to account settings to select Community Rewards and then enter the HSGP organization number, 80566.

If you have any questions the Frys customer support line is[masked].

This process directs Fry's to rebate a percentage of your purchases directly to HSGP which helps us to grow, expand our programs, pay recurring expenses, do repairs and renovation, and more. Please consider this if you shop at Fry's!

Richard Dewey
President, HSGP

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