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Re: [ibd-265] Charlotte Hudgin will speak at Dallas Investor's Forum Saturday Dec 3

From: John D.
Sent on: Friday, December 2, 2011, 4:50 PM


John D'Annunzio

On Dec 2, 2011, at 4:32 PM, Charlotte Hudgin[masked] <[address removed]> wrote:


I thought I was only going to get a brief 15 minutes at tomorrow’s Dallas Investors Forum, perhaps 30 minutes if I was lucky. But, Peter Larsen worked out more time. If you have never come to the DIF, this will be worth your time.


You will experience Fred Richards, an SMU grad, Wall Street money manager and friend of WIlliam O'Neil. You will see the skill of this very educated and varied group - usually 75 to 100+ attending. Although I will be presenting, I expect the pleasure of sparring with members of the audience who look at charts differently. This is a great way to get a variety of opinions to confuse you more! OK, diverse ideas can be quite valuable - I was just seeing if you were actually reading all this.


After Fred Richards tells us all about the economy, I have the floor - probably for an hour and a half.


So here’s my plan to take advantage of this time:


1) Update MARKET DIRECTION analysis


2) Present a quick overview of CANSLIM including my SHORTCUT CHEAT SHEET.

i) Plus a few enhancements I have implemented over the last year.


3) Define WHAT IS A “BASE?” (I've gotten a lot questions around "just what is a base, why do they happen and how do I find them?")

i) Included: IBD’s NEW DEFINITION of the top three bases.

ii) Show you MY NEW, QUICK WAY TO FIND BASES. This method is so elegantly simple that even Peter Larsen can do it! You may wonder why this was ever a challenge!

iii) What is a GOOD BASE and a BAD BASE?


4) Show you MY PERSONAL STOCK SCREENING PLAN for running through the IBD 50 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE – time is money!


5) Walk you through the TWO NEW IBD CHARTING SERVICES:

i) LeaderBoard

ii) Automated Chart Recognition software.



6) We will then use the LEADERBOARD and CHART RECOGNITION software to ANALYZE STOCKS that I have pre-picked. Then we’ll review your suggestions.

(1) This will be a great time for you to throw in your alternate stock selection criteria.




The Dallas Investor's Forum usually meets on the first and third Saturday of each month. Breakfast opens about  7:45 a.m. First speaker begins at 8:30.  We finish at 11:00 or 12:00 depending on when the theater needs to set up for the first movie of the day. The DIF is $17 for every guest – whether you eat breakfast, arrive late or leave early.


Come once and get on the mailing list to learn who the upcoming speakers are.

It is a bargain!


Wishing you, “Many Happy Returns,”

Charlotte Hudgin

The Armchair Investor


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