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New Meetup: Power Trading Workshop LIVE in Wichita!

From: user 5.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 9:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Wichita Area Traders Network!

What: Power Trading Workshop LIVE in Wichita!

When: January 26,[masked]:00 AM

Hilton Garden Inn
2041 North Bradley Fair Parkway
Wichita, KS 67206

Come and see what all the buzz is about. Online Trading Academy is THE place to learn about investing/trading. We're headed on the road and coming to WICHITA for 2 days only this January 26th and 27th. It will be the same event both days.

What you can expect to learn:
o How to have a real plan for recovering from the economic meltdown
o Wall Street secrets the pros don't want you to know
o Why your online broker/dealer may not be offering you the best execution and what to do about it
o The importance of doing something NOW

Our seminar starts promptly at 10am with a continental breakfast available at 9:30. The seminar will conclude approximately at 4pm so we're including a free lunch as well. Receive two free CDs just for attending. Call us today at[masked] to reserve your seat at our Free Power Trading Workshop.

Have a friend or know someone interested in trading? Be sure to pass along this invite!

Learn more here:

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