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Final 2 weekly meetings 9/24 and 10/1

From: Gary
Sent on: Monday, September 22, 2008, 10:07 PM
Dear Fellow Film Buffs,

Our final 2 weekly meetings will be on the next 2 Wednesdays Sept 24th and Oct 1st at Au Bon Pain. The meetings used the be the time when we would discuss the films that we were going to see over the weekend and also do activities such as the movie game and the Movie of the Month discussion and selection. Don't worry! Those things are not going away, they'll just be done in a different format. I'll send the details soon. It's just been decided that a weekly meeting is not a viable option at this time

Our Sept 24th meeting will be "Free Topic Night", so any film-related topic that you'd like to discuss will be appropriate. The Oct 1st Meet-up will be our discussion of "The Ruling Class" the Sept movie of the Month.

Au Bon Pain is located at 901 Indiana Avanue near the IUPUI campus. Hope to see you there!


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