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Your jam-packed UX calendar for Bergen, Trondheim and Oslo!

From: Fredrik M.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 1:29 PM
Hey there,

there's a lot happening in UX in Norway these days, so we thought you might like a rundown of upcoming events in Bergen, Trondheim and Oslo.

First of all, we'd like to give the newest addition to the IxDA family, IxDA Bergen a pat on the back. It's great to see another IxDA meetup getting traction. Their event tonight with Ana Andjelic looks awesome!

If you're in Trondheim, IxDA Trondheim is helping to organize UX-focused talks at TDC, with 
  • Avi Itzkovitz on designing for sensors
  • Jonas Söderstrøm on stupid bloody systems
  • Denise Jacobs on The Creative (R)Eveloution

It's a busy week here in Oslo as well with – and everything seems to be happening on 16 & 17 October. We've got four fantastic events on the same two days!

We're busy planning things here in Oslo as well. Do we need a common UX event calendar in Oslo? Feel free to contact me if you'd like to contribute!

IxDA Oslo's next meetup will be on Wednesday 29 October at 18.00.
We'll post event details very soon.

Have an excellent Tuesday!

- Fredrik

Fredrik Matheson, IxDA Oslo
[address removed] | | @IxDAoslo | @movito

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