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New Meetup: Debate Workshop: Globalisation: Marginalisation of the Poor (4 hours)

From: paul
送信済み 2009年11月20日金曜日 14:38
Announcing a new Meetup for Business English: Workshops & Seminars!

What: Debate Workshop: Globalisation: Marginalisation of the Poor (4 hours)

When: December 6,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $60.00 Y6000 per person

Next Unit`s Office
1-24-5 Takada, Toshima-ku

4 hour Global Issues Discussion and Debate Workshop.

Globalisation: Marginalisation of the Poor

Has the rise and spread of trans-national companies exacerbated global economic inequalities?

Sunday December 6, 2009
1:00 to 5:00

Sunday December 6, 2009
(1:00 pm to 5:00 pm)

Participants will be informed of each week`s global issue and can prepare in advance if the like.
Future topics can be found here;

<On the day of the workshop>

1 pm: Doors Open (free discussion and discussion of the day?s program)

1:15-1:45 Tennis debate (Warming-up)
Participants will be divided into two teams (Affirmative team and Negative team).
Teams will have a chance to ask the opposing team clarifying questions about their position (10 min per team)
The fundamental issues will be made clear.

1:40-3:00 Information from the internet, newspapers, magazines, video will be shared with all participants. Instructor will clarify any difficult vocabulary and check participants comprehension.

3:00-3:10 Participants will have 10 minutes to prepare the first round of 1 vs. 1 debate match

(10 minutes break)

3:20-4:40 One-on-One debate match

Each member makes their own opening statement. Explaining their personal opinions on the topic. (approx. 3 minutes each)

Participants take sides: affirmative or negative.

Affirmative gives 3 min speech.
Negative refutes affirmative. (5 min)
Affirmative refutes negative. (5 min)

Instructor will provide an evaluation of each presenter.


Participants discuss possible themes for the next global issue workshop. This way participants may increase their awareness about other global issues.

Learn more here:
