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New Meetup: February meeting -- Tokyo Socrates Cafe

From: user 3.
送信済み 2010年2月19日金曜日 14:06
Announcing a new Meetup for Socrates Cafe Tokyo Meetup Group!

What: February meeting -- Tokyo Socrates Cafe

When: Sunday, February 28,[masked]:00 PM

Gonpachi, Shibuya
14F. E.Space Tower 3-6 Maruyama-cho

The topic for this month's meetup is:

What are the roles and responsibilities of companies? How can governments ensure that they are carried out?

FYI, these questions stemmed from a conversation on socialism versus capitalism.

As always:
1) If there are more than 10 people, we'll split into smaller groups.
2) Please try to be on time. If you'll be more than 30 minutes late, please consider joining us later instead at the Belgian beer bar, Hemel, just down the the street from Gonpachi.
3) Though there is no charge for the meetup, please order at least a drink or a snack at Gonpachi as they have been kind enough to allow us to use their space without any charge.
4) Please keep your RSVP as up-to-date as possible, even if you're updating on the morning of the meeting.

-The Organizers

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