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New Meetup: Poetry Reading at the Kimono Wine Bar

From: lauren s.
送信済み 2009年12月4日金曜日 13:19
Announcing a new Meetup for The Tokyo Writers Salon!

What: Poetry Reading at the Kimono Wine Bar

When: December 11,[masked]:30 PM

Kimono Wine Bar and Lounge
[masked] Nishi Azabu Minato-ku

Join us at the Kimono bar for a night of poetry. Poets, Judy Halebsky, Yuka Tsukagoshi, and Eric Selland will read a selection of their own work as well as the poetry of some modern Japanese poets. The readings will be both in English and Japanese. Everyone is welcome. The event is just one drink min. required and open to the public. Drinks and snacks can be ordered from the bar.

When: Friday, December 11th. Doors open at 7:30, reading begins at 8pm.

Where: Kimono Wine Bar

Access map and directions at:

Judy Halebsky studies Japanese literature at Hosei University. New Issues Poetry & Prose will publish her first full length collection of poems this spring. She leads the poetry workshop for the Tokyo Writers' Salon.

Yuka Tsukagoshi writes both poetry and fiction. In 2008, Shichousha Press published her book, When Clouds Look Like Scrambled Eggs, which was nominated for the 59 Mr.H prize. Originally from Maebashi city in Gunma prefecture, she now lives in Tokyo.

Eric Selland is a poet and translator of Japanese avant-garde poetry. He is the author of The Condition of Music (Sink Press, 2000) and has published articles on Japanese Modernism. Eric is currently editing an anthology of 20th century Japanese Modernist and avant-garde poetry.

Learn more here: