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Free Tickets In-Person to Algorithms & Data Structures Workshop

From: Marc G.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 11:22 AM
Hey JSMN'rs,

I have tickets to give away for in-person in (Burnsville, MN) for next week Nov 17th - 20th (Tuesday through Friday) to Bianca Gandolfo's Data Structures & Algorithms Workshop. Bianca is co-lead of Telegraph Academy (part of Hack Reactor) in San Francisco.

Again, this is for attending in-person from 9AM to 4:30PM, Tuesday through Friday at the MJG International workshop center.

Prerequisite: You'll need at least one year of JavaScript experience.

Full workshop details -->

Just reply directly to me to get your seat -- first come first serve.

Even if you can't come in-person or you aren't one of the first to reply you can still watch the livestream completely free!
Marc Grabanski
CEO & UI Developer, MJG International // Frontend Masters

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