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New Meetup: Korean Cinema Series Screening: Sunny

From: Adam
Sent on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 11:25 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for Fun Korean Waves: Culture Language ESL Music Food - DC VA MD!

What: Korean Cinema Series Screening: Sunny
When: Friday, July 29,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Korean Cultural Center Embassy of the Republic of Korea |
Korean Cultural Center (KORUS House) 2370 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008
Washington, DC 20008

RSVP: Please use the link below


님은 먼곳에 / Nimeun Meongote


With the film Sunny (2008), acclaimed director Lee Joon Ik departs from his usual male-centered films, such as The King and the Clown (2005), to tell the personal story of Soon-yi, a simple woman from a small town who journeys to Vietnam in 1971 in search of her husband, and herself. Sunny, as she is known, is dedicated to her husband and her family, despite her unhappiness with her lack of freedom in a traditional family. When her husband is suddenly deployed to Vietnam, to which South Korea contributed a sizable number of troops who fought alongside American forces, Sunny is compelled to follow him, although her rationale is not always clear. As she journeys into a warzone, she joins a band of entertainers to make her way, and her search for husband and her true self becomes more difficult than she could ever have imagined.

Doors open at 6:00 pm for a light Korean reception. The screening (2 hours) will begin at 6:30 pm. Viewer discretion is advised for graphic scenes of war. This event is part of the Korean Cultural Center’s Korean Cinema Series, presenting free monthly film screenings. All films are presented in Korean with English subtitles.


Light Korean Reception at 6:00 pm

RSVP Required; Guests welcome

Seating is Limited and First-Come-First-Served


RSVP online at this link:

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