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Why there are so many Candidates--to elect Jeb

From: D. S.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2015, 4:39 PM

Have you wondered why there are so many candidates for 2016?

It's the Carl Rove/GOP Strategy to Nominate Bush by Flooding Race With Candidates
***If Florida was a contest between Jeb Bush and Scott Walker a polled outcome might be:
Bush 45% – Walker 55%

Or, if Florida was a contest between Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz the outcome might be:
Bush 40% – Cruz 60%

So, in this example, Florida, if you want Bush to win you need to change the options.
If you test out Bush, Walker and Cruz. The outcome might be:
Bush 30% – Cruz 35% – Walker 35%

Your guy is still losing but the race is closer. So you put another factor into the equation:
Bush 25% – Rand Paul 10% – Cruz 35% – Walker 30%

Your guy still losing. So you put another factor into the polled equation:
Bush 25% – Rand Paul 10% – Cruz 25% – Walker 20% – Marco Rubio 20%

OK, better. Now your guy is tied. Marco Rubio is the guy who has “split” the opponent to provide you the benefit to run a possible Florida primary race, and achieve victory at 25%.

So we call Marco Rubio “the splitter“.

The key now becomes growing your own popularity, and enhancing anyone who would take away from the biggest challenger within your opponent group. Again, remember this is a “Republican Primary” weighted, by the influence of the party apparatus, to support the “party guy” (in this case Jeb).

With the race successfully split, now you need to “fracture” the biggest challenger within the group:
Bush 25% – Paul 8% – Cruz 22% – Walker 19% – Rubio 20% – Rick Perry 6%

BINGO ! Bush wins.

Notice Bush didn’t win by gaining support, he won by fracturing his opponents support. This is the GOPe “splitter” strategy within the 2016 Road Map.

Also notice, the plan is not necessarily dependent on a “Rick Perry” to finish. There’s always: Fiorina (for women), Huckabee/Santorum (for evangelicals), or Christie, Carson etc.
THEN – If you changed the rules to make Florida a “Winner Take All” race (which the RNC/GOPe did in the road map/rule phase) well, your guy BUSH just won ALL 99 Delegates with only 25% of the electorate supporting him.

In Florida Marco Rubio plays the key role of the “splitter” to get Bush the victory.
Other primary states before Florida can be looked at the same way.
Now you understand why consummate RNC insiders: John Kasich (Ohio), Jim Gilmore (VA), George Pataki (NY), Lindsey Graham (SC), Rick Perry (TX), are all in the race.
Specific primary states, specific primary delegates, specific dates and specific “splitters” needed within those states on those dates.

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