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Happy New Year....Now is a good time to lead

From: Bill
Sent on: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:57 AM
Dear Members,

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope all had the best of holidays.

Many of us and those around the country always pledge new year resolutions. Problem with resolutions is we take them on as trying to "fix" something wrong. Unfortunately the main reason resolutions dont work is we take from the past and apply to a already broken messy canvas in the present and we hope for a better future. I call it "like putting icing on a mudpie"....sorry still a lousy mudpie. Hint..."Hope" is for suckers!

What we need to do now is work together to cause a transformation. To do so we need to be the cause on the clearing in order for real change to occur.

A great way to achieve this is to clean up the mess at the bottom. Also it is far more advantageous to fight from the inside than outside. Consider the HIV can be outside laying right next to you, but weak. If it simply enters then the fight begins.....we can be that virus...a trojan horse...welcome friend...a guide....a get the idea.

Remember to join up at as a precinct leader. This is our number one goal for 2009.

Look forward to a great year and alot of fun. On a passing note, here is your first assignment.

Bill Buran

Help remind the national Republican Party Leadership of the success of the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign in front of a national television audience on C-SPAN.

Go to:

Click the REGISTER icon, give your e-mail and zip code (this does NOT appear to put you on a mailing list)

Then LOGIN and VOTE for QUESTION #59 which is ...

"In light of the success of the Ron Paul presidential campaign attracting large numbers of young activists to the conservative cause, what specifically will you do to ensure they become Republicans?" Joe Seehusen

To find the question, you can SORT by vote total and it should be in the top 10 questions, or you can SORT by QUESTION NUMBER (#59).

BE sure to click on the UP ARROW and watch the vote total grow !

On January 5, 2009 at the National Press Club in Washington DC, Americans for Tax Reform, will hold a debate among the announced candidates for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

C-SPAN is scheduled to cover it. There will be hundreds of "inside the beltway" conservative and Republican activists in the live audience.

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