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Gentle reminder for Tech Job Fair happening TODAY

From: Silvija
Sent on: Thursday, April 12, 2018, 2:03 PM

A Message from

Dear all,

Once again, thanks for being part of Lisbon Tech Job Fair happening today

You must bring your ticket either printed or on your phone from Eventbrite, Meetup. 

Exact time & date: TODAY, from 18.00 - 21.00 -Please be on time 
Location:  Beta - i (8th floor), Avenida Casal Ribeiro, n.º 28,[masked] Lisbon;
MAP how to get to Beta-i


(Entrance is across the street of Chicco & Ibis)

Link to the job board:
Short company/exhibitors slide decks

Lisbon Tech Job Fair Spring is an employment strategy to fast-track the meeting of job seekers & employers.

Here is the events agenda:

And a short blog about companies joining:

I hope to see you all there!


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