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Happy new year and what to look forward in 2013

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 5:58 PM

Its been a wonderful 2012 for Cerus Volleyball full of activities, games and friends. Thank you all for making the year  special.


As always special thanks to our assitant organisers that have been nothing short of extraordinary this year:Eran, Rahul, Kenny, Andy, Jin also some new additions to the list Henri Tran. Special mention to Jana and Peter Song for helping us manage the balls all through the year.


It couldnt have happened without you!


Here is a little reminder of why its so special to play with you! this is the year 2012 for Cerus Volleyball

Looking forward to a new Lucky 13, full of friendship and Volleyball!!


Happy new year to all!!

