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Re: [libertarian-352] You've been removed from CHARLESTON SC FOR RON PAUL

From: david
Sent on: Friday, March 21, 2014, 10:56 AM
Can you remove me from this. I really don't give a fuck you were banned from a group, and you're blowing up my inbox with this shit. 

Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Stewart Flood <[address removed]> wrote:

You are absolutely correct.  By definition all meetup groups are private, since they are all paid for by the organization or person(s) funding them.

In our case, the meetup group has been funded by me for the past five or six years.  I have at times turned it in as an expense to the party, but then I had to donate the money to the party so that they could reimburse me since the county party doesn't have a lot of spare money right now.  But as far as I'm concerned, this is the party's meetup -- not mine.

That said, we want to allow as much free expression as possible, but there are limits.  Only a few people have been banned during the time that I've been the administrator, and it always required quite a few requests from our members as well as multiple warnings to the person involved.  A few occasional rants should be tolerated, but a constant discourse that is non-libertarian in nature (or that constantly promotes another political organization and its events) is not acceptable.

Intelligent discussions of opposing views of political philosophy are of course not considered rants, nor are they necessarily interpreted as promotion of another organization.  Solving our country's problems cannot be accomplished in total silence.

On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Joe Egan <[address removed]> wrote:

I haven't followed the discussion at all, and have no idea about what subject was being discussed, but wanted to make the clarification that "free speech" has nothing to do with *private* groups making decisions about who to include, or exclude, in discussions.

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