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Fwd: Dangerous weather event setting up for the Middle Atlantic and Northeast US on Saturday

From: bruce
Sent on: Friday, September 7, 2012, 9:08 PM

A major, high-impact severe weather outbreak is anticipated for much of the Northeast United States and Mid-Atlantic region on Saturday. Frankly, the potential is quite reminiscent of a southern plains outbreak and is extremely concerning since folks up there are not accustomed to this level of severe weather. Strong tornadoes and straight-line winds over 85 MPH with a derecho are quite possible if not likely on Saturday. This includes metropolitan areas like Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New York City, and that's just the beginning. If you have family or friends up in the affected areas, you need to let them know to watch the weather tomorrow.

The purple hatched area is the area of high-risk for strong, long-tracked tornadoes and very high winds.  Note that it covers places such as Albany, Utica and New York City, NY; Harrisburg, Scranton and Philadelphia, PA; Springfield and Boston, MA;  Burlington, VT; Hartford, CT; and is very close to Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC.
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