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Event Fundraiser for June 21

From: Michael
Sent on: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 3:34 AM
Dear Friend of Liberty,

I would like to invite you to Brunch with the Libertarian Party of Philadelphia on
Saturday June 21.

In addition to the opportunity to meet other Activists and our
Local Candidates, we have two exciting speakers planned for the afternoon. I
promise you, this is an afternoon you won?t want to miss!

Joshua Vincent: Fighting the Board of Revision of Taxes. Real Estate in Philadelphia is taxed randomly. Just think, Bureaucrats can and do
just decide to arbitrarily increase people?s taxes, one unlucky Philadelphian
recently received a 3000% increase! You could be next. Our first speaker is suing to end this abuse. Joshua Vincent has been with the Center for the Study of Economics since 1994 and its? President since August, 1997. In addition to suing Philadelphia, Joshua is Editor and Publisher of Incentive Taxation, a journal that reports on Land Value Taxation.

Jim Compton: Your Papers Please, the effort to stop Real ID.
Since February of 2007, Jim has been the Pennsylvania Coordinator of Restore the Republic (Formerly Freedom to Fascism), and has been tirelessly lobbying our State Legislators to make a stand against Real ID. Jim is a former Officer and 25 year veteran of the Navy, a Volunteer Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity, and has also worked with We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, the Lions Club and his Church.

Michael Baldwin
Your host for the afternoon will be Philadelphia Libertarian Party Chair, Mike
Baldwin. Mike has been actively involved in Libertarian activism for over 10
years. He has twice been a candidate and won the position of Auditor in his
hometown of Jackson Township, Pa.

Event Data:
Liberties Restaurant, 705 North Second Street (At Poplar)
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 12:00 to 3:30 PM
Includes Brunch with complimentary Coffee and Juice.
A Cash Bar will also be available.
Advance Reservations received by June 17: $35.
After June 17: $45.
Don?t forget to add your LP Philadelphia 2008 dues of $10.
Early Reservations, PayPal preferred to [address removed].

Checks Payable to: Libertarian Party of Philadelphia.
Mail Checks to: Treasurer, Libertarian Party of Philadelphia
215 East Allen Street
Philadelphia, PA 19125

Even if you can?t attend, your donations and membership dues will help the effort.