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NYC SharePoint Developers User Group is TOMORROW

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 10:36 AM

Dear NYCSDUGers,

It's that time again! The NYC SharePoint Developers User Group is tomorrow, so if you haven't signed up, click here to sign up now.

This month's presentation is about the many great Business Intelligence (also known as "BI") features of SharePoint. More and more a knowledge of BI is required for SharePoint developers, so don't miss this opportunity to get an overview, which will include the new SQL Server 2012 tool, PowerView! Here's the details:

SPEAKER: Neil Barkhina, MCAD Certified professional and Gig-Werks Guy!

SUBJECT: PowerPivot, PowerView and PerformancePoint: A walkthrough of Microsoft’s 3 P’s of BI

PLACE: Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor

TIME: 5:30 pm, Meet and Greet, 6:00 pm Presentation

Presentation Description

Traditionally complex business intelligence has always suffered from a steep learning curve with SQL Analysis Services and multi-dimensional Cubes. With the introduction of the Business Intelligence Semantic Model, also known as the Tabular Model, we now can deliver first class reports and dashboards with little or no startup time. Within a one hour demo we will transform the raw Northwind database which was never designed for complex reporting into a Business intelligence powerhouse using the next generation of Microsoft’s BI technologies running on SharePoint.


Neil Barkhina is an MCAD Certified professional with nearly seven years of experience working with .NET technologies. He specializes in web development and SharePoint technologies and has worked on numerous projects including Leading Development on a SharePoint Intranet site for the largest real estate firm in New York. He is currently on the board of the New York City SharePoint Developers User Group and a SharePoint Virtual Technical Specialist for Microsoft.

As usual there will be pizza and drinks courtesy of our Founding Sponsor Gig-Werks, and SWAG from Telerik, Infragistics and Pluralsight.

See ya there!


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