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March Game

From: George H.
Sent on: Sunday, January 17, 2010, 8:51 AM
Hello Everyone,
I am stupid sometimes. I will not be able to show up in February since I am in the show, "The Wonders of Physics" that day.
I will have to show up in March instead. Sorry about that.
March Game:
It is true that there is a war on, queen Rihallar is missing, a new race has sprung up, and there are rumors of strange and powerful creatures far to the north. But the necessities are still the necessities and the aquaducts must be cleared out to keep the water flowing. All who have a thirst for adventuring, fighting, secrets of the Underworld, or just plain money are invited to attend a, mostly, traditional dungeon-crawl. Characters will be pregenerated.

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