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This weekend: Build Madison Hackathon/Create-a-Thon

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 12:20 PM

Dear Members,

Via Madisonium email list:

Build Madison is a "community create-a-thon" - basically a mashup of a 24 hr hackathon + startup day where people come together to work on some awesome projects. It's Saturday, September 24 - Sunday, September 25 at Sector 67 in Madison. There is nearly $1000 in cash prizes + a bunch of other prizes, and there will be free food and drinks throughout the event. It's organized by Capital Entrepreneurs and is sponsored by Google, Sony, PerBlue, SupraNet, 94labs, Schematical, Flatt Cola and more.
Registration is FREE and this is a great event for tech people of all types. If you have an idea for a new project (or just something cool that you've been wanting to build), this would be a great time to make it happen (and even be able to partner up with marketing, business, etc people). Even if you don't have an idea, come and join up with another cool project there.
The first Build Madison was held in February earlier this year and was a huge success. There were some great projects created, and everyone had a blast. Check out the live blog from it here<
For more info and to register:


Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer

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