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Local business seeks freelancer for help with Wordpress + Quickbooks POS integration, site maintenance

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Monday, December 30, 2013, 11:57 AM

Dear Members,

Connie Mills Accessories is seeking:

We are looking for someone familiar with Quickbooks POS who can assist in connecting this to our website checkout. Our problem is that when we sell something, it is not telling inventory that it is gone.

The website is set up on a Wordpress platform.  After a little research, it appears that Webgility might be a good match.  Perhaps there are better programs than said one.

Seeking an expert in this area who knows how to make POS work with Wordpress.

We are also looking for help to get the POS and Wordpress to speak to each other when loading pictures/details.  Right now when we enter into POS, the entire description has to be repeated for the website.  Looking for assistance so that we can load all of our information only once.

The person who has solutions to our situation would also likely serve as a site maintenance person.  That is, helping with quirks and some tutoring when needed.  We are a Madison women’s fashion accessories business. Please direct communication to Connie Mills at [address removed].

Happy New Year,

Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer

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