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Seeking experienced Agile web developer for new venture

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Monday, November 2, 2009, 10:15 PM
Hi all,

After some false starts, I am once again looking for an experienced Agile web developer for a new venture I am starting. Please read on, and contact me directly at [address removed] if interested.

Note: You must have experience in an Agile platform such as Rails, Grails, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Django, etc.


Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer

I currently run a successful, small-scale web site with 1,800 members. I seek to rebuild the site in an Agile web framework, improving its design, features, and stability. Then I will expand the site's membership and eventually turn it in to a revenue generator.

I'm interested in talking with an experienced, efficient web developer. I was working with a Rails developer, but he has exited the project due to other commitments. A partial framework is already built in Rails 2.1.0. You may build on this, or start fresh in whatever Agile platform you prefer.

I am web designer/developer, but my web development skills are not sufficient to build this, and I would prefer to focus on design and promotion.

As web applications go, this one is not especially difficult, it's not reinventing the wheel, but it does call for a lot of the usual needs: user authentication, profiles, admin area, etc. There is a fair amount of standard AJAX interaction. Traffic will be modest at first, but the application should be highly scalable.

I have a short outline, written plan, and sample user screens I can send you.


- You must be a U.S. Resident, because an intra-country partnership agreement is too problem-prone.
- You must have solid experience developing web applications of moderate complexity.
- You must have time to complete this application over several months.
- You must be prepared to provide some reasonable level of support for the application once it is built.

I am prepared to register this business venture as an LLC in the state of Wisconsin. By taking on the development role in this project you will gain a 45% equity stake in the company. This means that when we start to generate significant revenue, you get 45% of it (after business expenses)!

Note: this is a start-up, so actual revenue is not expected for a while. However, the project has enormous potential for expansion and could become very substantial in site membership and revenue.

***When replying, please include your location, experience with Agile development as well as project examples (URLs).***

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