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Re: [meatshare] Free-range / pastured chicken eggs in/around BK?

From: Laura O.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 4:40 PM
So all these people who claim pasteured hens are lying, or is it just about the chicks?

There are red worm farms out there. What are the complications?

Laura O

From: Christian Wernstedt <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, [masked]:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meatshare] Free-range / pastured chicken eggs in/around BK?

Would add to this that anyone who eats a bag of nuts per day (like myself), shouldn't worry much about the omega-6 content in the eggs from chickens having had corn/soy in their diet. 

Properly raised chicks would be the best of course, but I've given up on finding them.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Rob Mathews wrote:

> It's going to be a rare farmer that you find that doesn't feed their chicks a corn/soy based dry feed, most of which are not even organic because of the cost. The number of chicks that can survive on a piece of land without supplimental feed is low, and production of eggs is much lower.
> If you want the chicks to just eat natural things you might have to get you own and a piece of clean land somewhere.
> I agree that this is best, and I wish someone would start a worm farm to feed chicks for this purpose.

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