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Kundalini Yoga & Gong Meditation in Dania w/Rev Hari Gobind

From: Rev Adriana Hari Gobind Kaur J.
Sent on: Sunday, September 18, 2011, 4:12 PM

Sat Nam! September is Karma Yoga Month and in honor of the divine experience that comes with being of service to another, this month we are offering a SPECIAL GIFT:

Kundalini Yoga FOR YOU AND A FRIEND for $20

Bring a friend and enjoy an evening experiencing an amazing technology brought to us by a true master, Yogi Bhajan.

Unlock the key to your own success and discover your true potential!


Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan





& Hydrotherapy!


Join us Wednesday evenings at the gorgeous Cambria Suites Hotel for a vibrant Kundalini Yoga class and soothing Gong Healing Meditation... and then we can enjoy the hotel pool and jacuzzi under the beautiful starry night sky!

Yogi Tea served after class..yum!!

Please bring a yoga mat, water, a cup for tea...and your bathing suit!


"if you want to pass the test of time, life, self, grace, projection and reality, you must decide to keep up, no matter what. There is no other way, and you have to keep up in the face of everything" Yogi Bhajan

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