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New Meetup: Film "Home" on World Environment Day

From: Graham T.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 7:39 AM
See the Film "Home" on World Environment Day
Announcing a new Meetup for meetupberne!

Address: Neubr?ckstrasse 8, Grosse Halle Reitschule Bern
Date: June 5th, 2009- 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

HOME is a feature film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand shot from
above in more that 50 countries. HOME addresses our impact
on the planet and sets out our current situation but keeps
the faith that a solution exists. More than a movie, HOME
will be a major event all over the globe. On June 5th,
World Environment Day, HOME will be released in over
50 countries and on every format : movie theatre, TV, DVD and Internet.

Its an Event organised together with "Filme f?r die Erde". At the end
of the movie, everyone will get a free DVD to take home and to pass
it to friends, and they again, pass the movie to other friends.
So that lots of people will come in touch with it.

17.00: meet in the grosse Halle, Reitschule Bern for everybody who wants to help with installation and bar. (aprox. 5 people).
18:30 Meet and drinks in "sous le pont" at Reitschule or at the bar in the big hall
19:30 song played of Mischa Wyss
19.40 Movie start
21:00 End of the movie. Volunteers can help with the bar, distributing DVDs or put away chairs.
21:30 Drinks in Reitschule or somewhere else when the weather is nice.

Samanta ( )

Here is the link to the meeting organised by Couch Surfers:

There is a flyer in with the name HOME_film_Flyer_CH-1.pdf

Learn more here:


Following the film? Belgian Beer evening at the open until midnight

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