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Midweek drinks 27 May; Get-Together 31 May

From: Graham T.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2009, 4:05 PM
I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: May 31,[masked]:00 PM
Where: D?hlh?lzli Restaurant
Tierparkweg 1 (between the zoo and the river)


Announcing a new Meetup for meetupberne!

What: mid-week drinks
When: Wednesday May 27,[masked]:00 PM
Meetup Description: Mid-week drinks
Let's meet, have a drink and get to know each other!
Courtyard of Progr/Turnhalle
Look for a sign "GLOCALS / MEETUP" on a paper on a table.

Learn more here:


Events this week from

Sunday 24 May tennis at 5 pm NOT AT TIVOLI
but at Muri club
Monday 25 May Toastmasters Bern
Wednesday 27 May Glocals meetup midweek drinks
Thursday 28 May from 1800 - Bern Livers & Lovers meet-up
Thursday and Friday open

You are welcome to send in suggestions for summer events -
openairs, festivals especially.

Meeting at Marzili for a swim (don't go into the Aare alone)
meet near the Aare temperature sign - anytime, anyone.
Call Katia or Graham to find when they are going, who
else is a regular visitor to Marzili?

Saturday 30 May - trip with Flo to Winterthur

Sunday 31 May - meetup for young readers group 1500
Sunday 31 May - gettogether for all[masked]
both at Rest. D?hlh?lzli, at the open-air tables
between the restaurant and the river
Monday 1 June - who wants to go see Angels and Demons?


Toastmasters Bern

Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped millions of men and women
become more confident in front of an audience. Our network of clubs and their
learn-by-doing program are sure to help you become a better speaker and leader.
Why pay thousands of dollars for a seminar when you can join a Toastmasters club
for a fraction of the cost and have a lot of fun in the process?

We meet twice a month, from 6.45 to 9.30 pm on usually the second and fourth
Mondays of each month. We meet at the Restaurant Casa d'Italia, B?hlstrasse 57,
in L?nggasse, 3012 Berne. The nearest bus number 12 stop is Mittelstrasse.

Please feel free to visit one of our meetings to experience how fellow
Toastmasters learn and improve their skills in a fun and effective way. We look
forward to meeting you!

Check the Club Calendar to find out when the next
meeting is held. You won?t regret it.

Monday 25 May, 8 and 22 June, then starting again in August


From Franziska on

Mid-week drinks

Let's meet, have a drink and get to know each other!
Courtyard of Progr/Turnhalle
Wednesday 27 May at 20.00 h.

Look for a sign "GLOCALS" on a paper on a table.

On, search for events in Bern.
Or see




Thursday 28 May from 1800 - Bern Livers & Lovers meet-up\

Calendar: Social Events
[masked]:00 to 22:00
City/Town: Bern
Event Type: Drinks/Bar
Meeting Point: Turnhalle (, Speichergasse 4

The 28th is the last Thursday of the month, and that can only mean one thing:

Time for another Bern Livers & Lovers meet-up!

Come on down to the Turnhalle for some after-work drinks -
if the weather is nice we'll be sitting outside,
look for a toy penguin sat on the table.

If it's raining we will seek refuge at the Blues Bar, which is just over the


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