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Final touch before our songwriters meeting.

From: Jacques G.
Sent on: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 6:51 PM
Hi guys,

Just a couple of things before tomorrow's meeting (Sunday 7th June).

  • Please bring your printed lyrics so everyone can read your texts. If you only can bring one, I will have to photocopy them.
  • If you can, bring a snack to add to the table. I will provide the drinks, coffee etc.
  • If you have a piece of music that you would like to be considered for a film, please bring it along on a CD. I better ask this now before you come due to deadlines on this project. I am in discussion with a film director about a movie in the making where they are still looking for music. This is an overseas project. So far they have only selected 4 tracks for the movie. Unfortunately, they cannot provide me with a script because the movie is not fully edited and it started as a low budget short film tageted at short film festivals, but is now going to become a major movie. They are interested with: World music, cultural feel sounds, heavy metal riffs, african instruments, orchestral instruments, and a lot of strings.
    The story involves an african police squad, a very young white girl being the main actress, the girl's father who is wanted, and a doctor working for a hospital. The story takes place in the wild forest, and there seem to be lots of anger and want of revenge. That's all I can say for now, but as the film director will listen to anything, I will be very selective before sending any material. He says he has listened to 50 CD albums from another company's catalogue to select 2 tracks only. I may be able to show you a Trailer sample to what they are up to at this stage at the meeting. I am giving priority to songwriters working around me before approaching other talented writers that I know and including overseas.
  • We will start on time. Also please note that our next free songwriters critique meetup will take place in 2 months, as we will be having a workshop session next month on member's songs. This is different to our free meeting. Detailed information can be found on our website.

    Regards to everyone and see you tomorrow, those who are attending.

    Jacques Mario Gentil

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