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Thank you

From: Kellie C.
Sent on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 2:15 AM
Thank you the suggestion but , unfortunately, whomever sent out this email has it setup to where hitting rely will even email everyone even if they do not hit reply all. I am so sorry for your inconvenience and apologize for the behavior of this disgruntled member. I am contacting Meetup to see if they can stop all of the emails. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:29 AM, neal <[address removed]> wrote:

please stop hitting reply all.

On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:06 AM, Taj wrote:

Personally, I had no knowledge of this and to be honest, I don't care. I don't think anyone would join a group with a specific purpose in order to get caught up with people's personal lives. When I go to hike, it's for that purpose only. 

Whether any of this is true or not is well beyond the scope of myself and many members of the group. No one has no reason to believe anything that was written. They're words coming from someone I don't know or ever met before about things that may or may not have happened. 

What was said is just null and void to me. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Daniel <[address removed]> wrote:

This email has been sent to all members of the Mid Atlantic Hiking Group in order to bring light to the lies that Kellie Carlise and Mike Harris have been telling throughout their entire tenure of leadership of this group.


Many of you have heard the story of how a vengeful ex-member has been threatening Kellie for the past 6 months. According to Kellie this person has:

  • ·      shot her home window out
  • ·      flattened tires
  • ·      sent threatening emails and phone calls
  • ·      threatened to show up at a recent camping trip and kill her.

None of these things actually happened and depending on who she's talking to the story changes.  A couple of months ago the story was that this person was the subject of a manhunt that ended with their arrest and them in jail until the next court hearing in June...If they were in jail how would they be able to show up at the recent camping trip. If they were in jail how would they be able to email them with threatening messages.  All of it is lies.  The former member has gotten wind of this smear campaign and has filed a 5 million dollar lawsuit against both Kellie and Mike for slander.  And why is this person a former member?  Because they had the nerve to question a decision Kellie made while on a hike that put a hiker in danger.


Kellie and Mike have been telling a sob story about her poor elderly and infirm mother.  That same mother was taken out of their care and put into a state run nursing home while they are being investigated for elder abuse by the state prosecutors office.  That mother that they use as an excuse for not showing up at hikes is under the care of a guardian and will not see them without a third party present.  Think about that the next time you hear that sorry excuse.


How many of you have gotten to the trailhead only to find that the 3 paces listed are now only 1 or 2  because Kellie, Mike, or Justin didn’t show up?  Sometimes the story is that Kellie is in the hospital. Wouldn’t you all be surprised to find out that most of the time Kellie is in the “hospital” she is actually at home or out with friends and couldn’t be bothered to show up.  Of course you can’t be mean to someone who is hospitalized.  It’s amazing how conveniently she goes into the hospital when she’s upset with you, while at the same time gushing about how she can’t wait to go hiking in a few hours to someone else.  Not that they know which hospital she goes to as it changes depending on who they are talking to. Live in Baltimore, well she’s in Laurel.  Live in Columbia, she’s at Johns Hopkins. It’s funny how they never can remember which hospital she is supposed to be in at any given time.


Kellie has promised members that every hike leader has been trained in First Aid/CPR and that they have received hike leader training.  Over half of the current hike leaders DO NOT have either certification and Kellie has done nothing to rectify this situation.  There have been several hikes where a hike leader has gotten LOST or left members of their group behind, which is the complete opposite of what Kellie has been promising to all members of the group


How many of you have asked a simple question of Kellie and gotten a 3 paragraph email in response?  The reason she can’t answer any questions is because she is constantly changing the answer based on who you are.  How many of you have asked for refunds only to be told, no, the refunds have been processed and you are too late.  Well if you are one of her “friends” you can get a refund with no problem at any time.  


Many of you have heard ad nauseum about this huge tax bill that Kellie and Mike have. Some of you have even gotten a scanned image of a 1099 that that shows over $30,000 income received by Mike and Kellie.  Over $20,000 of that amount has nothing to do with the group but is instead from their own small business.  The rest of it that comes from the group is fully deductible on their taxes.  That huge bill that they owe, some of you have heard $11, 000…some have heard $15,000.  Try $700.  So don’t believe those sob stories about how they have to take their son out of school in order to afford their tax bill. 


Kellie Carlise and Mike Harris are lying cheating frauds who play on the heartstrings of their members in order to avoid having to take responsibility for their actions.  And if you point out their inconsistencies, they’ll just kick you out and ban you from the group, so that you can’t share your thoughts with anyone else.


Go ahead..ask them if this information is true.  Most likely you’ll get a 5 page email about how you put Kellie in the CCU and how everyone is out to get her and her family.  Never once will she or Mike outright deny...because they know it’s the truth


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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
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