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Next Tuesday November 12-- Milwaukee REIA General Meeting with Joe McCall

From: Milwaukee R.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 11:12 AM

Hi Everyone,

Next Tuesday November 12th, discover why "Wholesaling Lease Options" is one of the easiest, cheapest, fastest, and safest ways to make big chunks of cash in real estate today. You can get started right away with zero prior experience, no sales skills, and no big down payments (just $10)... because you are not “buying and selling” houses.

For our November REIA Meeting, we are lucky to have Joe McCall from  join us.  Joe has been investing in real estate for over 5 years.  His background and education is in Civil Engineering.  Before he started working on his real estate investing business full-time, he had worked for several large engineering & construction companies all around the country.

Joe has tried tons of different investing strategies, but his favorite two have always been Wholesaling & Lease Options.  When he got tired of spending over $3,000 a month in marketing for his wholesaling business, and throwing away so many leads from unmotivated sellers, he knew there had to be a better way.  That’s when he came across the special niche he calls "Wholesaling Lease Options".

The Milwaukee REIA's meeting starts at 6pm at the Brookfield Suites 1200 S. Moorland Rd., Brookfield.  To register go to

Hope to see you there!
