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Next Tuesday April 8th -- Milwaukee REIA--Private lending and using your IRA to accumulate tax-free wealth!

From: Milwaukee R.
Sent on: Thursday, April 3, 2014, 2:36 PM

Hey Everyone--

Next Tuesday April 8th , the Milwaukee REIA will host a panel on "Private Lending and Using your IRA to Accumulate Tax-Free Wealth" at our monthly open meeting.  Registration starts at 6pm at the Brookfield Suites 1200 S. Moorland Rd, Brookfield.  To register go to

The panel will be discussing:

  • Which trustees are easiest to work with
  • How they turn hundreds into thousands with options and wholesales in their IRA
  • Their favorite way to 'bulk load' their IRA's
  • The pitfalls to avoid when doing deals in your IRA
  • *** How you can set up your deals to attract investors who want to use their IRA to FUND YOUR DEALS***

Come prepared to ask questions and start planning how you can keep more $$ next year!

Hope to see you there!  Rememeber to register at
