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Reminder: Dinner at VegiLicious in Huntington Beach

From: Diana
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2016, 10:26 AM

Reminder: Dinner at VegiLicious in Huntington Beach

Friday, September 23, 2016, 6:00 PM

VegiLicious Vegan Restaurant

16821 Algonquin St, Huntington Beach, CA (edit map)

Come join us for dinner at VegiLicious in Huntington Beach. VegiLicious has great food, décor and friendly service. Check out their website at and menu and come join us on Friday, September 23rd and 6:00pm.  VegiLicious is located in the Huntington Harbour Mall (address and map below) and there is plenty of parking available.

More about VegiLicious:  They use all organic vegetables, fruits, rice, beans, nuts & seeds and all premium-grade seasonings.  The food is made from scratch without any white sugar, refined salt, oil (except for organic olive oil for pan-fried items) and MSG.

Address:  16821 Algonquin St., #103, Huntington Beach, CA 92649

(Located in the Huntington Harbour Mall, 3 doors behind Trader Joe’s)


Looking forward to seeing you there!