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Re: [cashflow-399] Would you be interested in playing cash flow on Wed. 3-5

From: Dave H.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 7:56 AM
Wish I could. Keep me posted for the next round. 
Dave Harris
Edina Realty 

----- Original Message -----
From: Amy Brown <[address removed]>
To: [address removed] <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue Mar 04 21:16:[masked]
Subject: [cashflow-399] Would you be interested in playing cash flow on Wed. 3-5

Hello everyone!

I know this is very last minute but I was wondering if anybody is available to play cash flow on Wed. evening instead of Saturday. We only have 2 people signed up for Sat. and I'm going to be in town for a T.V. shoot on Thurs. in which I will be talking about Cash Flow so I thought maybe we could get an improptu game together. We can play at Grand Rios Water Park at 6900 Lakeland Ave. N Brooklyn Park 55428 at 7:00pm. I will not have computer access a lot of the day so if you are interested give me a call at[masked]. I can check email until about 10:00am tomorrow but after that I will not have much access so give me a call. Have a great evening and I hope some of you are able to play tomorrow night.


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