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Re: [tcCannabisClub] Re: [mnNORML] Re: court cases

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, December 23, 2011, 12:06 PM
Hello Kevin;
    I’ve had the same theme since I first entered the discussion. The reason I have is that none of this is brain surgery, and there is a right and wrong way here. I have not once spoken against doing any of these other necessary distractions, what I have spoken against is doing them wrong and relying on them instead of organizing. All of us should be basic community organizers every time we talk to a like minded persons. We can all circulate petitions and use them to collectively build e-mailing lists of supporters who can then be used to recruit more. You can all take a little time to read “Roberts Rules of Order” and learn how to play the best game on the planet. We could even set up some teaching sessions by real community organizers and political types you would respect, (these are very useful). Most of all we can sit down and create a strategic plan that ends in accomplishing the goal rather than mutually accepted defeat. Victory takes determination, direction and organization. Organization means working in an interlocking way to achieve the goal not everyone doing their own thing any way they want. The reason we have a bigger brain isn’t to roll a bigger joint, it’s to overcome obstacles along the road of life then there will be plenty of time for the bigger joint. The time for excuses is long gone and I am ever so tired of hearing them after more than 40 years, so the final question here is “What is the goal here”? If the goal here is to end the Racist prohabition on Marijuana, then who is in and who is out?
Bill Hamm