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Short film help needed

From: Rodney J.
Sent on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 9:56 AM
Hello Friends, I have a 10 minutes short film that have scheduled to shoot on Saturday, October 22, 2011. It will be a one full day shooting.
I would need your help for the following:
Actors, both male and female are in their mid 20 to 35 years old.
If you are interested or know someone would be interested please contact me at:

Phone (612)[masked] Email: [address removed]

Please note this is a no budget film but you will receive the benefits as following: 1) Credit for your role in the project. 2) A copy of the film. 3) Invite to participate in next feature film as well. I greatly appreciated for your support. Paul L. Reth Producer/director/writer

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