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Actors/Actresses and crew wanted for November production

From: Edith T.
Sent on: Monday, October 24, 2011, 1:36 PM


Seeking a few more actor/actresses to join the cast for an upcoming November production of a short film drama, titled, "AVOIDABLE".
This film is intended to be submitted to many film festivals including national and international.

Film by the experienced writer and director
Edith T.

Check out some of his work at From the home page go to films/videos for more.

-Female, Caucasian American in between late 20 to mid 30 years old looking.
-Female, nice body shape, African American, in around mid 20 years old looking.
-Male boy, Caucasian American, in around 12 years old looking.

-Any crew position (applicant must specify which one(s))

Each applicant or representation of applicants could contact us through the email associated with this posting or our website's contact page.

Participants in the project will be given
-Credit in the film.
-A copy of the final edited version of the film for their reel, DVD format.
-Credit in IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) after the first festival submission.
-Food during production

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