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Indie Production is Looking for Cast and Crew!

From: Todd B.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 10:22 PM

A new short film "The Glass of Demontrachet" will be shooting on the weekend of January 7th & 8th. We need several actors, including:

Major Characters:

Father Paul - Male, 50-60 years of age
Kevin Siefert - Male, 20-30 years of age
Chelsea Olson - Female, 40-50 years of age

Minor Characters:

Need approximately 20 minor characters for a wine party scene in a very plush mansion.

We also need a few more crew members for the team:

Assistant Director
2nd camera operator
Production Assistants

A synopsis of the story and a script can be found here:

If you are interested in helping out, I'd love to hear from you. Please include some information about what you would like to do and info about your level of experience.

This is a non-paying gig. However, this production will be listed on IMDB and all cast and crew will receive a credit. Plus, you will have the chance to network with other area filmmakers, as well as receive a copy of the film when it is complete. This film will be posted on YouTube so that you may link to this as a sample of your work.

Thank you very much.

I look forward to meeting you. :-)

Todd Berntson
Producer / Director

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