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2 Weeks until Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

From: Rodney J.
Sent on: Friday, December 2, 2011, 1:35 PM

We have just under two weeks to go until Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol opens!  Approximately 30 minutes of the film was shot with IMAX cameras.  The IMAX at the Zoo is the only theatre in Minnesota that can play this footage at full resolution using the full image that was captured by the IMAX cameras. 

I expect tickets will start to go quickly.   Lat night Warner Brothers officially announced that select IMAX theatres will be showing the first 6 minutes of Christopher Nolans The Dark Knight Rises!


Tickets can be bought online through the Great Clips IMAX theatre website:


Or you can buy tickets in person at the theatre box office


Or you can contact me directly for other options. [masked]


We will meet in the lobby before the show.  Midnight shows tend to fill up fast and we seat earlier than normal, 1/2 hour before show time is common.  I will be working in the projection booth that evening.  Anthony will be our contact in the lobby.  After the movie I will meet the group at the back of the auditorium where we will begin a behind the scenes tour of the IMAX projection booth. 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

[address removed]


RSVP for the meetup @




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