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Pandanet-AGA city league

From: Randy A.
Sent on: Monday, December 3, 2012, 3:58 PM

Hey guys,

Pandanet (essentially the people who run IGS) is doing something is doing an online go tournament with the AGA. details and links below. If you're interested. please contact Roy directly about it. I've got some other news in another email coming soon.



The AGA is organizing an online inter-city US go tournament with "generous" prizes, and they need ten teams by December 20. Let's organize a team! We need a team captain, three players and one alternate.  If the players are strong enough, we'll be in  the "A" league! Contact Roy Laird at [address removed] if you're interested.


In theory people can get a 1-time discount for AGA membership through the group for people who've never been in the AGA before, but it requires physically mailing the forms in, which would be tricky to pull off. If you really want to get an AGA membership and can swing by the meetup offices in Soho/Noho soon, contact me directly.





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