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Re: [movies-388] San Diego Film Project List

From: Dante
Sent on: Monday, July 13, 2015, 5:41 AM

thank you for the notice.  I will send this out to the group and put on our message board.  Is [address removed] the best way for people to contact you?


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Oisin Barrett <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey fellow filmmakers!  I'm Oisin Barrett and I'm an organizer on the Collaborative  Filmmakers group, a group dedicated to filmmaking. I'm sending this message out as a call to action to get all those interested in making films in San Diego started on some projects!  I see a ton of skilled people in all these groups and want to see some awesome films being made.

In our group we have made a film project list so those with current projects can list them and get support from those who are interested in working on the projects. That way people can find projects they are interested in and support them. There are no "group projects" as such but rather a collective list of the projects going on around the area that you can support. 

So what better way to get this idea going then lead by example, I'll put the 3 projects I have going on right now and if you have projects you want help on do the same and let's make some awesome films!

1.  The Threat

Length: Full Length about 2 hours
Current Status: First Draft of Script Completed
What I need: 
1. Director of Photography/Cinematographer
2. Crew, sound, grip and lighting etc.
3. Writers to help critique the script
4. Producer to help find locations, and get permits etc
5. Casting director

Equipment is covered as we will be shooting on my red camera. We also have a 7 series audio recorder, mics  and lighting and editing equipment. So were covered on that just need crew members!

Contact Person and Info if you are interested!
Oisin Barrett: [address removed]

Time Frame for Completion: Mid 2016 (one year total to film and edit)

When humanity finally makes the first Artificial Intelligence Program, everything seems to be going well, until it turns on them, they must fight the battle to make sure their greatest creation is not their last.

2. Superhuman Weakness 
Length: About half an hour 
Current Status: First Draft of Script Completed
What I need: 
1. Director of Photography/Cinematographer
2. Crew, sound, grip and lighting etc.
3. Writers to help critique the script
4. Producer to help find locations, and get permits etc
5. Casting director

Again, Equipment is covered as we will be shooting on my red camera.  We also have a 7 series audio recorder, Mics and lighting and editing equipment. So were covered on that just need crew members!

Tyler is your every day run of the mill guy, except he has a secret, he is the world's first and only known superhuman, with superhuman strength and speed.  There's only one problem;  he's not the smartest guy around.  This film follows Tyler as he struggles through everyday life and is an allegory for how those who are the most extraordinary are not always the ones in news headlines.

3. Infinite value(working title)
Length: About 15 minutes
Current Status: First Draft of Script Completed
What I need: 
1. Director of Photography/Cinematographer
2. Crew, sound, grip and lighting etc.
3. Writers to help critique the script
4. Producer to help find locations, and get permits etc
5. Casting director

Again, Equipment is covered as we will be shooting on my red camera. We also have a 7 series audio recorder, Mics and lighting and editing equipment. So were covered on that just need crew members!

When anomalies in nature are found that leaves scientists clueless, they must investigate. And when every arrow points to an ordinary woman, she must come to the conclusion that she is not so ordinary.  And life as she knew it will never be the same.

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